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Business Objects Training

Empower your employees and get the most out of your investment: get trained.

BusinessObjects Training and Consulting Services


Hillyer Consulting offers instructor-led and computer-based training for BusinessObjects. What sets us apart? We are professional trainers that actually use the software. In real-life development situations. Every day.


With over 14 years under our belt, our training is the ideal combination of subject matter expertise, real-world experience, and quality instruction. We solve problems, answer questions, and give your staff the tips and tricks they need to use BusinessObjects to its fullest potential.

Standard Training Courses

We have standard Business Objects training courses in Web Intelligence, Lumira, Dashboards/Xcelsius, Universe Design Tool/Information Design Tool, and system administration and security. We can also teach Analysis for Office. We teach BusinessObjects version XI 3.1, BI 4.1, and BI 4.2.

Custom Training Development & Delivery

We can develop custom training using your data and universes. Courses can be fully customized or we can customize just portions of the training. We can then deliver the custom training courses or develop them for your own in-house trainers to deliver.

eLearning Development

We can develop SCORM compliant eLearning courses so your users can take training any time, on their own schedule.

Training Materials for your In-House Trainers

Save money and time on development! We sell our standard training materials for your own in-house trainers to use, complete with the training database, reports, and universes.


Get in touch // Business Objects Training // Tel: 763-786-5097 //

©2014 Hillyer Consulting, LLC

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