BI Launch Pad & BI Workspaces
Course description
BI Launch Pad is the web portal through which you can use business intelligence content and tools. Our training course will walk students through BI Launch Pad and BI Workspaces (new in 4.x) and will cover the following topics:
*Navigating in BI Launch Pad
*Managing folders and documents
*Viewing Web Intelligence and Crystal Reports documents
*Creating a BI Workspace
*Creating a BI Module
*Using Alerts
*Sending Documents
*Scheduling Documents
*Bursting Documents
This course is for report consumers or developers new to BI Launch Pad
and/or BI Workspaces.
Course tuition
1 day - $2,500 for up to 12 students
1/2 day - $2,000 for up to 12 students (pick and choose your topics)
Interested in on-site or virtual training for BI Launch Pad? Contact us to get started!

Get in touch // Business Objects Training // Tel: 763-786-5097 //