Web Intelligence
Our most popular Business Objects training courses, Web Intelligence I and II training will walk your developers and analysts through creating a query and building a report, from start to finish.
Web Intelligence I
Course description
A starter course, Web Intelligence I is geared toward anyone who needs to create simple reports, make minor changes to existing reports, or intends to take Web Intelligence II.
This course covers the basics including building a new query, creating tables and charts, adding breaks and totals, and adjusting the report look and feel. Specific topics covered include:
*Navigating in BI Launch Pad
*Building basic queries and query filters
*Creating elements (tables, crosstables, charts)
*Changing elements (sections, breaks, properties)
*Formatting elements and adjusting page layout

This course is for developers and analysts new to Web Intelligence or those looking for a good foundation in the basics.
Course tuition
$2,750 for up to 12 students
Course duration
1 day
Web Intelligence II
Course description
Web Intelligence II covers the use of advanced querying features like sub queries and combined queries, creating advanced variables including extended syntax, using a variety of filtering such as input controls and ranking, and successfully merging data providers. This course will cover:
*Creating basic and advanced report variables (formulas)
*Creating conditional rules
*Using data tracking
*Hyperlinking elements and documents
*Using Excel as a data provider
*Creating multiple queries
*Merging queries/data providers
*Creating advanced queries (sub queries and combined queries)
*Using advanced query operands
*Creating and using a BIWS
This course is for developers and analysts who will create complex reports and those that want to take their skills to the next level.
Web Intelligence I or equivalent experience
Course tuition
$4,000 for up to 12 students
Course duration
2 days
Want to get trained on Web Intelligence? Contact us to get started with Business Objects training.
Get in touch // Business Objects Training // Tel: 763-786-5097 // info@hillyerconsulting.com