Where have we been?
I know we haven't posted to this blog in awhile. In truth we have been SO BUSY learning new things so we can keep helping you get the...

DaysBetween() and RelativeDate() functions
As a follow-up to the other recent posts on variables I thought we could quickly walk-through two very useful functions for working with...

Crosstabs - Getting Headings to Show When There is No Data
Crosstabs (cross tables) are a great element to use in your report but since the data becomes the column and row headings, it is...

Data Tracking and Useful Functions
Lately a number of my users have shown an interest in data tracking, but when they go to use it they find it doesn't always work as they...
Balance & Best Practices: Public Folder Strategy
There are a variety of strategies for implementing roles for BusinessObjects - who develops universes, develops reports, schedules,...

Varirables: ToDate() and FormatDate()
I cannot help it. I have an on again, off again love affair with variables. And this month it is on! For some reason, I've just enjoyed...